All is not lost it seems… I must not defeat faith. It binds, beyond brick and concrete.
It is time I keep my conviction alive, and sow saplings for new life to take charge.
Home coming
I am guilty of the abandon. And that is crime enough. I seek a second chance!
The world within
My spirit lengthen unto yours,
onto the little patches of 'goodness'
I capitulate all that is festered, all that pains,
while you dig in deeper…
Exploring all that remains
Recurring thoughts of you
Resounding, as the droplets
falling still,
fill in the quietness
of the relumed passion
An unforeseen life
the otherwise frozen soul
And you,
like an impeccable odour
charming and restful,
impregnate the whole...
परिचित पथ
आकाश में घिरे बादलों के बीच
मैंने कुछ रंगों सा देखा है
जैसे निचोड़ने पे सिर्फ़ पानी ही नहीं
भावनाएं भी उमड़ आई हैं
कुछ टपकती पारदर्शी संवेदनाएं हैं
कुछ प्रत्यक्ष होता, कौंधता संताप
जहाँ खुशियों की आंखें हर मौसम बिछती हैं
धनुक सा दिखता वह आशाओं का डगर है
The Tide Country
Another world of concrete
Away from the real
Metaphysics inspired yet suspended…
Through the wandering, meandering trail
Beneath the shadow of the day
A new civilization is born