So much for the reunion…

I sat silent all this while because catharsis doesn’t always flow from words. It is contained by the soul in a quiet conversation. Solitude is a privilege indeed… I could never close my eyes unattended, could never smell the unadulterated air. Then one day it came out of extinction… the clouds poured till puddles disappeared, and the tide rose till it touched the sky. Water looked mysteriously opaque. I lived through the extravaganza in an unvoiced admission.
Bliss is but a moment of oblivion. And such proclivities shall pass to come back for another rare pursuit. I have ever since chased my dream and contemplated behind closed doors. But as dreams lose battles to living reasons, I lost it to my muse. And here I am, conscious again of my land and its mortals… far from the enchanting seclusion.

The Aftereffect

My eyes toil for vision
Through the haze that fogs my land
I see you caught in the realms of carpented boundaries,
but stay a spectator…
Because that’s where you belong,
and want to belong, I guess

There's nothing that will ever bring you back
I confront something that fed on me
I lift myself to newer heights... and face the deepest sea!

Ceremony of the Soul

The silence here renders an unruffled harmony
and paves the way to the ceremony…
A ceremony of years…
where I celebrate a ritual that spans your existence!
It marks the eternal journey I am blessed with
and the ecstasy and pain of sojourns
This is a ceremony of incinerated vices…
where the lashing waves and the crooning wind
in a spell binding convention, bind in spells

To err is human

He stares at my land, delighted and evoked. It is almost a reincarnation to all that was ever innocent and pure... repulsed of corruption. He is jealous of the creation that he could never craft. After all, God is human too.

Paradise lost and found

It seems like centuries since I last visited paradise. Everything seems to be the same though... except me. I have contained and survived a thunderstorm… a havoc that was meant for the terrain is now a vital contamination in my veins. I look like a transformed protrusion of loose ends, seeking an end to the beginning.
I am in paradise and there’s nothing that can wreck me now!


The swirling wind
drops, at a height so deep!
Going asunder, the thunder
On the heap of wasted air


Tranquility seeps in
In a pacific disposition perhaps
Perhaps convoluted images straighten
Straighten beyond comprehending confines
Confined albeit, on the stretch of repose...

Fatalism and hope

I met fate yesterday, wrapped in warm winter, holding on to everything else but hope. He smiled at me with tearful eyes, and cracked humour soaked in sand. I could not look into his eyes… for the fear of a past reflection. But I held his hand to feel the racing pulse and find comfort in some bit of togetherness. He carried a whirlwind of sentiments within and I felt heavier than the sea.

I wondered… why does the sadist eats his pie in misery of others? An inevitable evil, I believe, is much better than suffering innocence. Illusions only lead to deeper trouble.
I will let fate take his course and pick up droplets along the way. I know evolution will begin, when spring stays longer in the wilderness.


I found a reason to be happy again. Happiness hugs me like a perpetual expression. 

I have a timeless spirit, free like the wind, playful like the waves. It is a belief that aspires to live the life of truth. 

I have shed all the baggage, dissociated ugly detractors and before I could have stepped away…

You pulled me back.

You always seem to know the trick to transport me. I have walked into unreal worlds with you, crossed milestones across the real.

You give me wings, yet hold me down with you… today I look at the sky and think, why did I ever learn to fly!

Reflections of the dweller

I haven’t been born here. But this has been my home since ages now. There are no walls, no concrete here. Yet no oblique thoughts pervade the empty spaces.

I do not have default relationships here to draw strength from. I am only connected to the breathing land and pulsing waves… the ones I have mothered and brought to life. And they give me force enough to keep alive.

There are colours of abstraction that drape the landscape here, and the same sun that shines across the polarized worlds.
I see reflections in the wet sand that keep me grounded and gleefully insane.

I am myself and the others… the others who are visitors to my territory. They emerge out of me and together we laugh, cry, explore, play, fight, love, and follow no protocols.

And here I live in blissful abandon.


Aah! I see the sun still peeps from behind the murky clouds. I hear the distant bird chirping, a hopper celebrate the velvety night.

All is not lost it seems… I must not defeat faith. It binds, beyond brick and concrete.

It is time I keep my conviction alive, and sow saplings for new life to take charge.

Home coming

I have come back to a barren land. The green of moss has replaced that of young, fresh leaves. The air that I take in smells stale. Beaches have turned into little dens of slugs. I see high tides all around ready to consume a land that grew with it. It is as if I have come back to the infested remnants of an unfortunate dynasty; as if, I have entered a world that is not mine.

I am guilty of the abandon. And that is crime enough. I seek a second chance!

The world within

My spirit lengthen unto yours,

onto the little patches of 'goodness'

I capitulate all that is festered, all that pains,

while you dig in deeper…

Exploring all that remains


Recurring thoughts of you
Resounding, as the droplets
falling still,
fill in the quietness
of the relumed passion
An unforeseen life
the otherwise frozen soul
And you,
like an impeccable odour
charming and restful,
impregnate the whole...

परिचित पथ

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कुछ टपकती पारदर्शी संवेदनाएं हैं

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धनुक सा दिखता वह आशाओं का डगर है

The Tide Country

Another world of concrete

Away from the real

Metaphysics inspired yet suspended…

Through the wandering, meandering trail

Beneath the shadow of the day

A new civilization is born